In this page you’ll find the key visual components that come together to form the Playtika brand and the guidelines on how they should animate.
Playtika has comprehensive brand guidelines
for static content, created by Awesome TLV branding agency. However, the feel of a brand can also be communicated through the styling of its motion content. Here is a full guide to creating animated content that is consistent with the Playtika brand look and feel.
Always maintain a clear spacearound the Playtika logotype toprotect the logo from distracting graphics or typography.When using a vertical layout, theclear space should be 150% ofthe size of the 'a' on all sides.
The logo should always be centered on the X axis and a bit higher from the center on the Y axis.
The Playtika logo animation is quick and centered. This allows it to fit in at the end of a 6 second video advert.
When the cheetahicon is used alone,the ™ symbol shouldbe used instead of ®. The Logobit is animated alone without the ellipses and has the same rules as the logo itself regarding spacing.
In contrast to the logo, the Logobit is not the preferred solution and should only be used as a symbol throughout the video. The Logobit may also be referred to as LogoBug.
Codec Pro is the typeface that Playtika uses in all of its English speaking regions. Headings and video title animations should be slick and short.
Headings should be animated left to right,
and subheadings should animate upwards while offsetting by word if there’s no time limit.
Playtika is a global brand with more than 12 locations worldwide. With that in mind, the same type animation should be used across all regions, ensuring that no matter which language or alphabet we use, the animation style remains consistent.
There are three tiers of typographic style which can be used and the style will be dictated by the rest of the content on the page and the type of information being communicated.The style and variations can be played with but shown here are some examples of the varying levels of dynamic type.
Intro and Outro uses the same method in reverse. A very simple ellipse-shaped mask closes or opens up, while the logo remains in the middle of the frame.
The mask will always open behind the logo and reveal the footage underneath.
Screen elements such supers, lower thirds and subtitles should always be the supplied versions shown here. This is to ensure that the branding remains consistent, without too many restrictions on creative direction such as colour grading and editing style of the film itself.
All animated icons should be short and should run on a loop. The core part of the icon should animate in a way that is appropriate for the object; for example spinning or jumping. The doodle shapes should be animated as an additional overlay.
The shadow should follow the movement of the icon, where possible. When the icon appears on a white background, the shadow should be blue. When it appears on a red background, the shadow should be dark red.
The mail signature uses the horizontal layout of the animated logo, with subtle ellipses animation around the logo section. The animation is looped and the Playtika type
remains static.
Social Appearance
Where lifestyle photographyis overlaid by copy, the copyshould be in a color thatcontrasts with the backgroundand is fully legible.
Only the primary color paletteshould be used in backgroundsas flat colors.
Primary typography animation should be big and between 30%-70% of the ad.