Agriculture & Food Production


An agriculturist and industrial expert sit down to tell the story of their union... and have no idea where to start! So when Ginegar, a global leader in smart covers and plastic products, opened their brand to include an industrial portfolio, they knew they needed Awesome to tell their new story.

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

Interviews with key stakeholders and customers across both industries revealed that, with increasingly complex demands and ever-changing variables, it can feel like getting the result you want for your projects is a never-ending game of chance!  We discovered that the unified value that both industries gave their clients was reliability and certainty throughout complex processes.

"Unlike their competitors, Ginegar doesn’t claim to be a leader just because they'd been in the game the longest, but because their expertise in applying innovative products to combat the most unstable environments allowed their customers to feel they had the ultimate seal against uncertainty." 
Hayley Alpern, Head Strategist

For agricultural and industrial industries, Ginegar is the constant that you can always count on.

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As the world continues to evolve, it’s become increasingly tough to reach the end result growers and builders are planning on. With a team that has the know-how to give the solutions that meet today and build tomorrow, with a global reach wherever you are, builders and growers can be confident that with Ginegar they are ready to keep seizing the opportunities that a changing world offers. So Ginegar’s essence became:

“Your constant in an ever-changing world.”

Ginegar’s smart cover solutions give back the sense of control over environments and manufacturing processes – with the stability and security of knowing you have all you need to adapt and succeed. No matter where you are, or what the world throws at you, Ginegar will be there.

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Logo and Brand Identity

As the existing logo was recognized with credibility to a large customer base, we decided it didn’t need to be recreated, but instead elevated with a softer and more harmonious design, adapting the fonts and colors to reflect the brand strategy and essence’s feeling of calm, ease and certainty.

"We created a brand identity and visual concept that captured the sense of constant care and unwavering reliability that’s ingrained in Ginegar, ensuring that all audiences are able to immediately grasp the essence of their offering and impact."
Evia Gerafi, Head of Design

The visual language focused around the Ginegar circle, which represented blocking out all unwanted surroundings and allowing a safe space for growth and innovation, a theme that was consistent throughout all the design elements. The graphic language is also rooted in nature, designed to convey feelings of warmth and care which showcases Ginegar’s unique TOV compared to its competitors, which focus on tech and heritage.

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Brand Elements

The utilization of icons is a staple in Ginegar's communication strategy. The icons were designed to symbolize the multitude of features that are inherent in the company's products and solutions. We developed a variety of circular icon pictograms that elegantly capture these attributes in a straightforward and positive manner.

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Wow, who's responsible for that?
Brand Strategy
Maayan Froind, Tal Schweiger, Hayley Alpern, Evyatar Gerafi, Lee Reider, Gal Ashkenazi, Michal Keren, Raquel Greenberg, Sofie Blinder, Sahar Burshtein, Stav Golan, Ariella Delin, Shay Tuby, Shimi Cohen, Orel Levy, Hila Dahan, Talia Gramovich

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