
Myrror is a budding cyber security innovator specializing in the nuanced world of software supply chain. For them, stepping out of stealth mode wasn't just about making a splash - it was about making the right ripple in a pond full of competitors. In record time, we built a captivating and distinctive narrative, a unique brand persona, and a website that is sure to make waves.

Quick Win

Brand Strategy

On the 1-day we assembled a strategy workshop, a deep dive into Myrror’s tech wizardry wasn’t just an exercise in tech talk – it was a hunt for what makes them stand out. The eureka moment? Realizing that Myrror’s magic lies in its ability to play the security risks world's detective, smartly sniffing out source code mismatches with finesse.

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Brand Identity

Myrror’s brand identity was a direct reflection of their core technology, represented through an innovative graphic language. The visual concept was born from an abstraction of their product’s functionality.

At its heart, Myrror compares one code to another, pinpointing differences with precision. Drawing inspiration from this, we developed a language using simple three-dimensional graphic shapes aligned in sequences, symbolizing lines of code.

These shapes, when compared, reveal any abnormal form, visually representing an error or mismatch in the code. This approach not only made the brand identity intuitive and relevant but also visually distinct, capturing the essence of Myrror's technological innovation.

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The website transformation was like taking a complex scientific equation and turning it into a captivating story. Breaking down Myrror's product into digestible bits, we spun a narrative that was as engaging as it was informative.

The result? A website that’s not just a digital space, but a journey into the heart of Myrror's ethos, marrying user-friendliness with sleek performance. In just 22 days, Myrror went from being a stealth-mode enigma to a brand with a voice, a face, and a story.

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The messaging for Myrror was crafted to convey that integrating third-party segments into your source code is safe and reliable with Myrror's technology. The aim was to provide a message of safety, assurance and reliability. This approach positions Myrror not merely as another option in code security, but as a pivotal solution for hassle-free code integration.

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Wow, who's responsible for that?
Quick Win
Tal Schweiger, Hayley Alpern, Evia Gerafi, Omer Binder, Lee Reider, Mona Nassar, Omer Binder, Dana Boukobza, Sahar Burshtein, Stav Golan, Max Shubin, Marianne Spence, Raquel Greenberg, Dvir Atias, Rotem SImon, Shimi Cohen, Orel Levy, Nir Cohen

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