AI & Robotics


For Simplex, a pioneer in the realm of 3D planning, stepping into the global limelight was no easy task. Just as Simplex reshapes the way spatial reality is understood and created, our challenge was to reshape their narrative – turning a complex, high-tech journey into a compelling story that captivates everyone from construction pros to city planners and beyond.

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy

In a sea of competitors touting the virtues of 'seeing more clearly,' the challenge was to expose and highlight Simplex's unique edge – a live collaborative tool offering a comprehensive perspective on planning and building. The task was to help inform professionals in various industries that with Simplex, they aren’t dreaming up a plan, but building a reality.  

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Simplex isn't just about seeing more clearly; it's about seeing differently. Through its collaborative tool, Simplex enables professionals to explore, simulate, and collaborate on the highest-resolution 3D models, gaining a complete understanding of their current reality and predicting the future impact of their actions.  

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Brand Identity

Simplex’s visual identity revolves around the concept of shifting perspectives, controlling data, and infusing reality into the screen. To bring this to life, we used actual data and images to craft a visual production that emerged from the framework.

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The motion design for Simplex focuses on interactivity and immersion. Users can virtually navigate within the platform, experiencing the different layers of data and perspectives integral to the brand and product. The interactive approach both highlights Simplex's capabilities and also allows users to engage with the 3D models.

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The task of creating a website for Simplex was about more than just aesthetics – it was about making the complex accessible. We broke down the product into its constituent parts, illustrating the ingenuity of the product and narrating the story through a captivating user experience. True images and data were woven into the framework of the site, providing users a glimpse into the power of Simplex. The result? A visually enticing platform that seamlessly encapsulated Simplex's ethos, ensuring user-friendliness, and optimal performance.

Wow, who's responsible for that?
Brand Strategy
Maayan Froind, Tal Schweiger, Hayley Alpern, Rochelle Cohen, Evia Gerafi, Omer Binder, Lee Reider, Lena Freidman, Raquel Greenberg, Hadar Ben-Shalom, Stav Golan, Dana Boukobza, Marianne Spencer, Naama Kamari, Ariella Delin, Shay Tuby, Max Shubin, Sofie Blinder, Shimi Cohen, Orel Levy, Nir Cohen, Hila Dahan, Eldar Partush

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