AI & Robotics


Wordtune by AI21 Labs is the first AI-based writing companion that understands the context and meaning of complete sentences. It captures your thoughts as you write, and offers ways to rephrase and reshape your writing so you come across as clear, compelling and authentic as you really are. As Wordtune’s launch approached, we were asked to create the brand in the same smart and creative way the software builds magical pieces of text.

Brand Strategy

Strategy & Messaging

Writing well matters - it reflects our personality and serves as a competitive advantage in everything we do. This insight helped us as we set out to define the brand’s essence. We defined Wordtune as the bridge between your inner thoughts and ideas and your outward expressions. It aims to understand you and offer new possibilities to express your thoughts, by offering various options to refine and focus the text you write to your innermost intentions. At its essence, Wordtune is your thoughts put into words. 

It was this essence that led to the new brand flag: Wordtune - Your thoughts in words.

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The logo designed for Wordtune is meant to invoke inspiration as the user discovers the perfect phrase to translate their thoughts. The W is stylized in a way that feels like a path leading upwards to that spark that ignites our ideas and thoughts into something coherent.

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Visual Identity - Colour Palette & Icons

We divided the colour palette into main and secondary colours.

The main colours served the design when communicating messages related to Wordtune as a whole, while the secondary colours allowed us to express messages relating to the different moods and writing styles Wordtune offers.

We created a set of animated icons to visually represent the different writing styles available which were used within the product itself.

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Visual Identity - Graphic Language

We chose to introduce colourful and bold photography inspired by the mood and tone of situations, whether that’s casual, formal, cool, whimsical, lighthearted, serious, expressive, friendly, thoughtful, optimistic etc. This photography symbolizes Wordtune’s deep understanding and capacity to interpret the context of text, and shape your thoughts into words.

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With the strategy and graphic language set, we started bringing Wordtune to life.

In addition to designing the product itself, we designed the website and the look for the Chrome store.

We mapped out and designed additional touch-points such as social media presence, merchandise and office swag.

Wow, who's responsible for that?
AI21 Labs
Brand Strategy
Hanoch Rabinovitz, Michal Keren, Evia Gerafi, Alon Rom, Marianne Spencer, Kobi Tal, Stav Assis, Chen Libman, Nir Cohen

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